Please enjoy browsing Future Products from Dr. Zero’s Shop! Navigate to the “Order Form” page to request an item



Zero vs. Circle: Personality Quiz

A sample of analyzed personality results

Are you a zero — always brooding in nihilistic absurdity — or are you a circle — rumbling along in existential synthesis? Take this detailed, objective personality quiz to find out! Participants will receive a full 11-page personalized analysis from Dr. Zero about their personality type. Please navigate to the “Order Form” page to request this item.




How Inside is your outside? Quiz

A quiz for determining what your messy bounded interplay between the in and out looks like.

self-explanatory quiz for your pleasure!



Based Semiotics Board Game

A sample based semiotics board

Based Semiotics is a multi-player board game that tests your knowledge of linguistic relationships — as well as knowledge of your friends. The Game is played through rounds of guessing friends’ word-maps — and each player is afforded three lifelines throughout the competition. Themes for Words and boards are customizable upon request. Please navigate to the “Order Form” page to request this item.



Dr. Zero's Obstacle Course

A sample theme from a past obstacle course

Obstacle Courses with 10 based, absurd, & creative challenges for you and your friends. Dr. Zero Guarantees you’ve never seen challenges like this! Available for anywhere between 3 and 20 players and customizable upon request. Please navigate to the “Order Form” page to request this item.



Dr. Zero’s Xe®ox

A daily game to test your intimacy with the Geist!

Can you guess the doctor’s True vision of the treacherous horizon of god? This daily quiz offers a new image each day where players must choose the correct answer about its cubes, color, and status. Future iterations offer “Vibe Match” mode, where players can send the quiz to their friends to see if they are on the same surreal plane.



Hell’s Basedment: A Newsletter

An excerpt from the newsletter

Lucky followers will be invited to subscribe to the semi-regular, philosophical newsletter, “Hell’s Basedment” that Dr. Zero has maintained since 2016. It is a kind of self-help book for the glitches flickering across the recesses of Our Voided Savior Goddead’s Eminent Computer Simulation™. It is a guide on how to honor the length of the zero inside you. It is a beautiful exploration of how to “life is good”©. It is believed to be a normal and good newsletter about "the good stuff." It offers important information about the cubic condition of the horrific waking moments between one deranged wink to the next. Inquire within for more information about how we can help you!



Dr. Zero’s Handbook of Life

A random cover!

A forthcoming interactive book filled with personality quizzes, artistic challenges, life-resources, and based activities…for your investment consideration!